Privacy Policy

Effective Date: Jan 01, 2024

Welcome to the Privacy Policy of Iberoom (“we,” “us,” or “our”). This policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding your privacy and details the practices governing the collection, utilization, and disclosure of your personal information in the course of your engagement with us through website (collectively referred to as the “Services”). Your use of our Services or provision of personal information signifies your consent to the practices articulated in this Policy.


Iberoom generally collects the following categories of personal information:

  • Contact Information: This includes details such as your name, phone number, email address, and account name.
  • Billing/Shipping Information: Pertinent details like shipping or home address, and other information necessary for processing or delivering your purchases.
  • Commercial Information: Information related to products purchased, obtained, or considered, as well as other data pertaining to your purchasing or consuming history.


We employ a structured approach to the collection of your personal information, primarily occurring when you engage with our website or place an order through our online platform.

Information Provided Directly:

Throughout the shopping experience, particularly during the order placement process, you are required to furnish essential information to facilitate seamless payment and delivery. This includes, but is not limited to, your name, email address, and shipping details. Such details are imperative for ensuring the accurate and timely delivery of goods to your designated address.

Additionally, in unforeseen circumstances or for proactive communication, we may contact you via the email address you have provided.

Automatically Collected Information:

Our data collection processes extend beyond direct user input. We automatically collect information to:

  • Fulfill and process requests for products or information.
  • Administer shopping transactions and user accounts.
  • Introduce new products to enhance your shopping experience.
  • Engage in marketing and advertising activities for our products and services.
  • Send relevant marketing communications that align with your potential interests.
  • Safeguard against fraud and unauthorized transactions.
  • Ensure compliance with agreements and legal requirements.
  • Alert you promptly about any product-related issues.
  • Fulfill other legally permissible purposes.

Cookies and Other Technologies

In order to enhance your online experience, we employ cookies and other tracking technologies, such as pixels, to systematically collect and store information pertaining to your interactions with our website. This includes comprehensive data on your browsing behavior. Additionally, our website supports the integration of third-party cookies, which are deployed by our advertising partners.

Cookies, being small files transmitted from a website to your device through a web browser, enable both the site’s and third-party systems to identify and capture specific information about your device. Our website utilizes cookies and tracking technologies for the following purposes:

  • Capturing and storing your IP address.
  • Recording browser type and language, operating system details, access time, visit duration, and the referring website address.
  • Tracking the pages you navigate within our website and other actions you undertake during your visit.
  • Monitoring the pages you access immediately before and after visiting our website.
  • Documenting information regarding your interaction with emails, including email openings and link clicks.
  • Gathering data from referring sources such as third-party websites, blogs, social media platforms, etc.
  • Collating information from content you publicly post or share on discussion forums, review sites, social media pages, or other online platforms.

Cookies have varying lifespans, with “session cookies” terminating shortly after the conclusion of your internet session and “persistent cookies” persisting until a predetermined expiration date. Our website employs both types.

If you prefer not to have cookies stored on your device, it is advisable to configure your browser settings to reject cookies before accessing our website. Instructions for adjusting these settings can typically be found in your browser’s Help menu. However, it’s important to note that disabling all cookies may impact the functionality of certain features on our website.

Third-Party Advertising Service Providers

As part of our advertising initiatives, we may share your personal information with third-party companies to serve advertisements across the Internet. This includes tracking your activities and interests over time, both on our Services and on third-party websites. Additionally, this facilitates the identification of the various devices you utilize to access our Services. These third-party companies employ the technologies elucidated above in the “Cookies and Other Technologies” section to automatically collect your personal information when interacting with our Services.

These third-party entities may also acquire information about you through your direct interactions with them, interactions with other websites, mobile applications, or affiliated companies, as well as through your engagement with advertisements displayed by these third-party companies. For comprehensive insights into the data collected by Google Ad Services or to opt out, please visit

Google Analytics

To enhance our understanding of user interactions with our Services, improve the web experience, and refine our product marketing strategies, our Services leverage analytics technology provided by Google Analytics. This analytics service deploys cookies and other tracking technologies to gather information about your usage patterns on the Services. Personal information collected, such as your IP address and other usage details, may be transmitted to and stored by these service providers on servers in the U.S. (or other locations).

You have the option to manage your preferences concerning Google Analytics cookies by visiting or by downloading the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

Do Not Track

Presently, our websites do not respond to Do Not Track (“DNT“) signals, which are privacy preferences users can set in certain web browsers to opt out of tracking by websites and online services. We remain committed to keeping our users informed about our data practices and will duly update our policies should there be any changes in our approach to DNT mechanisms.


Our sharing of collected personal information is structured as follows:

Operational Necessity:

  • Information is shared as required for the fundamental operation of our website. This includes facilitating your login process and enabling the addition of items to your cart or bag.

Enhancement of Website Functionality:

  • We share information to enhance the functionality of our website, such as personalized content delivery, personalized greetings, form pre-filling, and the retention of your preferences, including language and location choices.

Analytics Purposes:

  • For analytical insights into website usage, information is shared to comprehend how our website is navigated. This aids in understanding the products of most interest to you and refining our product marketing strategies. Further details on website analytics are provided below.

Ad Targeting and Marketing:

  • Information is utilized for targeted advertising and marketing. Cookies collect data on your website browsing behavior, facilitating the display of relevant advertisements when you visit other websites or engage with social media.

Email Interaction Monitoring:

  • To assess the effectiveness of our email communication, we share information to determine if email messages have been opened and acted upon.

Online Advertisement Interactions:

  •  Information is obtained regarding your interactions with our online advertisements, including the tracking of ad clicks and identifying the websites where these ads have been viewed.


If your information is currently utilized for sending you marketing communications, you have the option to opt-out at any time. Instructions on how to discontinue receiving marketing emails and direct mail communications, such as hot deals or special offers from Iberoom, are provided in each communication.

To opt-out of marketing communications from Iberoom:

Call Us:

– Contact us at +1(315)997-0795 to communicate your preference for opting out of marketing communications.

Send an Email:

– Email your current contact information to Ensure your email includes your full name, address, phone number, and email address. Clearly specify the type of marketing communications you wish to stop receiving. This ensures accurate identification in our systems and the proper processing of your opt-out request.

Please be aware that opting out of marketing communications does not affect business-related communications, such as order confirmations, product recall information, or other administrative communications, which you may still receive.


Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of your information and preferences is important to LL Flooring. We offer various methods for you to update or change the information linked to your account. If you’ve established an account on, simply log in to your account to make the necessary updates. If you don’t have an account, kindly reach out by calling +1(315)997-0795 or sending a request to


When conducting online shopping, we employ industry-standard security measures to safeguard against the loss, misuse, unauthorized access, and alteration of the personal information within our control. Despite these precautions, it’s essential to acknowledge that perfect security is unattainable, and we cannot assure the perpetual security of your personal information. It remains your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of any credentials utilized to access your account with us. If you detect any unauthorized activity linked to your account, please promptly report it to us.


Our Services are not specifically designed for children, and we do not actively seek or intend to collect information from individuals under the age of 13. In the event that we become aware that someone under the age of 13 has provided personal information to us, we will take reasonable steps to promptly delete such information from our databases. Furthermore, we commit to refraining from utilizing such information for any purpose, except when necessary to ensure the safety of a child or as mandated or allowed by applicable law. If you become aware that a minor has furnished personal information to us, please contact us promptly.


Collection and Purpose of Personal Information

The term “Personal Information” refers to data that identifies, pertains to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to you. Personal Information excludes information that is publicly available, de-identified, or aggregated.

Typically, we gather Personal Information as outlined in the following chart. It’s important to recognize that the specifics of the Personal Information collected may differ based on the nature of your engagements with us and might not encompass all the instances mentioned below.

Category of Personal Information Purposes for Collection
Identifying Information and Personal Records, encompassing details such as name, postal address, IP address, email address, account name, or similar data (This classification covers information outlined in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e).)

Commercial Details, involving records related to personal property, products acquired, considered, or other histories or inclinations pertaining to purchasing or consumption.

Manage your product purchases

Oversee shopping activities, and promotions

Market and advertise our services

Conduct research and analysis (e.g., identifying trends and evaluating the effectiveness of marketing campaigns)

Enhance safety, integrity, and security, including the prevention of fraud

Information on internet or other electronic network activities, including activities on the internet or similar networks, browsing history, search history, and details about your interactions with our website or advertisements.

Location data deduced from your IP address.

Facilitate the processing of your product

Deliver personalized services, encompassing tailored content and advertisements on the website.

Conduct research and analysis for various purposes, such as identifying trends and assessing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Promote safety, integrity, and security, with a focus on fraud prevention.

How Long We Keep Your Personal Information

We retain the aforementioned categories of Personal Information for the duration necessary or permissible for the purposes outlined in this Notice or as otherwise sanctioned by law. This typically involves keeping the information for one of the following reasons:

  • Your Personal Information is reasonably essential for the management of our operations, your relationship with us, or the fulfillment of another purpose for which the information was collected.
  • Your Personal Information is reasonably required to accomplish a disclosed purpose that aligns reasonably with the context in which the Personal Information was gathered.
  • The Personal Information is reasonably necessary to safeguard or defend our rights or property, usually in accordance with applicable laws limiting actions in specific cases.
  • We are obligated or authorized by applicable laws or regulations to retain your Personal Information.

In instances where Personal Information serves multiple purposes, we will retain it until the purpose with the latest expiration period concludes.

How We Disclose, Share, and Sell Personal Information

We disclose Personal Information as detailed below. While we do not sell Personal Information for monetary exchange, certain practices may be deemed as “sales” or “sharing” under specific US state privacy laws.

Disclosures for Business Purposes:

  • Facilitate advertising
  • Display relevant ads during your internet browsing
  • Administer our websites, including debugging and error repair
  • Analyze trends related to our products, websites, communications, and advertisements
  • Ensure the security and integrity of Personal Information
  • Short-term, transient use
  • Detect or prevent fraud against you and/or us

California Privacy Rights

Submitting Requests Regarding Your Personal Information. If you are a California resident, you possess the right to make specific requests concerning your Personal Information under the California Consumer Privacy Act (the “CCPA“) and other applicable California laws, as outlined below.

To exercise any of these rights, kindly submit your request through our email at or contact us via phone at +1(315)997-0795. It is important to note that if you submit a request for information, request for deletion, or request for correction, you will be required to provide 2-3 pieces of Personal Information for identity verification against our records.

While you may appoint an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, the verification of your identity directly with us is still necessary before processing your request. An authorized agent can submit a request on your behalf using the email or number mentioned above.

Right to Information. You possess the right to be informed about the Personal Information we have gathered concerning you, encompassing:

  • The categories of sources from which the Personal Information was obtained
  • Our business or commercial objectives for collecting, selling, or sharing Personal Information
  • The categories of recipients with whom we share Personal Information
  • The categories of Personal Information that we have sold, along with the categories of third parties to whom we sold each specific category of Personal Information
  • The categories of Personal Information that we have disclosed for a business purpose, specifying the categories of recipients to whom we disclosed each particular category of Personal Information.

Right to Erasure of Your Personal Information. You possess the right to request the deletion of Personal Information collected from you, with certain exceptions. In instances where we utilize deidentification to fulfill a deletion request, we commit to maintaining and using the information in deidentified form, refraining from attempting to reidentify the data.

Right to Rectify Inaccurate Information. If you believe there are inaccuracies in the Personal Information we hold about you, you have the right to request corrections.

Right to Opt-Out of Sales and Sharing of Personal Information. You have the right to decline the sale of your Personal Information and request that we refrain from sharing it for cross-context behavioral advertising. By utilizing the Global Privacy Control (GPC) browser signal, you will be automatically opted out of cookie-based sales or sharing of Personal Information. However, you must activate it individually for each browser you use.

Right to Control the Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information. You can instruct us to restrict the use and disclosure of your sensitive Personal Information, allowing only for purposes reasonably necessary to provide our goods and services. This includes considerations for security, integrity, fraud prevention, physical safety, and short-term, transient use, such as non-personalized advertising.

Right to Non-Discrimination Regarding Privacy Rights. If you exercise any privacy rights under the CCPA, you have the right to be free from discriminatory treatment by us.

California’s Shine the Light Law provides consumers in California the right, under specific conditions, to inquire about the categories of Personal Information we disclosed to third parties for their direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year. To submit such a request, please email us at


Submitting Requests Regarding Your Personal Information. If you reside in a Covered State such as Colorado, Connecticut, Utah, and Virginia, you hold the right to submit specific requests concerning your Personal Information as detailed below. To exercise these rights, kindly submit your request through our email at or contact us via phone at +1(315)997-0795.

Please be aware that we may need to verify your identity before processing your request. For verification, you may be required to log into your account or provide 2 – 3 pieces of Personal Information for matching against our records.

Right to Access and Data Portability. You have the right to verify if we are processing your Personal Information, access the information, and receive a copy of the Personal Information you supplied to us in a portable format.

Right to Deletion. You can request the deletion of your Personal Information, subject to specific exceptions.

Right to Correction. You possess the right to request corrections to inaccuracies in your Personal Information, considering the nature of the data and our processing purposes.

Right to Opt-Out. You hold the right to opt-out of the following uses of your Personal Information: (a) targeted advertising; and (b) the sale of Personal Information. We do not sell Personal Information for monetary gain and do not create profiles for decisions that have legal or similarly significant effects under relevant state privacy laws.

Right to Appeal. In some instances, we may be unable to process requests concerning your Personal Information, resulting in a denial of your request. If you reside in a Covered State and your privacy rights request has been previously denied by us, and you believe it was erroneously denied, you have the option to appeal for reconsideration of your request.


We are committed to full compliance with the User Consent Policies in the European Union (EU). This policy applies to all processing activities of EU user personal data, including the collection, use, and sharing of data provided directly or automatically on our website. By accessing and providing information on the website, EU users are deemed to consent to the following policies. In case of disagreement, EU users can delete or refuse to store cookies by adjusting their browser settings.

  • Valid Consent Collection: We only collect personal data from EU users after they have been provided with clear and comprehensive information on how their data will be collected and used, with their consent to our policy.
  • Clear and Understandable Information: We provide EU users with easily understandable information on how we collect, use, and share their personal data. This information includes the purposes of data usage, third parties that may receive data, and the users’ rights related to their data.
  • User Control Rights: EU users have the right to access, modify, delete, restrict processing, and object to the use of their personal data. If users do not wish to store information, they can directly contact us via email at
  • Implementation of Appropriate Technical and Organizational Security Measures: We implement technical and organizational security measures to protect the personal data of EU users from unauthorized access, improper use, or disclosure.
  • Ensuring Transparency: We provide EU users with information about the processing activities of their personal data and allow them access to their data.
  • Collaboration with Regulatory Agencies: We collaborate with EU regulatory agencies to ensure compliance with data protection regulations.


Residents of Nevada have the option to opt-out of the “sale” of “covered information” to third parties. This includes, but is not limited to, details such as name, address, social security number, telephone number, email address, and other contact information. It’s important to note that our utilization of your personal information does not constitute sales under Nevada law.

For any inquiries or if you wish to receive email notifications in case we engage in “sales” of personal information under Nevada law in the future, please contact us at


While our Services and this Privacy Policy are primarily designed for residents of the United States, if you access our Services from outside the United States, please note that your personal information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in the United States. It’s important to be aware that the data protection and other laws of the United States may not offer the same level of comprehensiveness as those in your country.


This Privacy Policy is subject to occasional updates and revisions, which may occur without prior notice. The revised policy, along with its effective date, will be posted when changes are made. Personal Information collected is governed by the Privacy Policy in place at the time of collection. It is advisable to periodically review this Policy to stay informed about any modifications.


Should you have any inquiries or comments about this Privacy Policy or wish to contact us for any reason, you can reach us through the following methods:

Thank you very much!